The Vases are perhaps one of the most sought after items for any
rare collector. There are four main types of Vases with the Shadowed
variety being the rarer of the collection. The Vases are one of the few
true server birth items. After speaking with many of the owners across
a few shards, I do believe that the Large Beige & Shadowed Vases
spawned in the Eastern Part of Britannia in Felucca. Just like a monthly
spawn, the Vase could simply be picked up from one of the Large Beige
Vases in this picture. Their is a chance that on certain shards this
still a spawn especially when the UO Servers crash hard and are not going
down on a scheduled maintenance reboot. To be safe, I would check both
the Large Beige Vases and the Large Shadowed Vases in the picture below.
The Large Beige Vase also had a monthly spawn which is why the Large
Shadowed Vase is much more rare than the Beige Variety. The spawn location
was in Hythloth 3rd Level. I was unable to get to the location alive anymore,
but it was possible during the times when I could "Bard through Walls" as
well as run and cast spells, but those are older days... About 1 year ago,
but not on all shards, this room was filled with rocks. The spawn was blocked
on Atlantic when this room was filled with rocks to prevent lag (this room
would fill with monsters). There are teleporters where the Hell Hound and
Chest spawned. One of the teleporters gets you into the room, the other
is the way out. The entrance and exit of the teleporters takes you above
this room and to the North. There you can continue down to Hythloth 4th
level, or East to where the large Pentragrams on the floor are.
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