Click Below for a map of all known Doom Rares.

With the Age of Shadows expansion the largest and newest
dungeon in UO was added: Dungeon Doom. With this new dungeon came a new
type of rare spawning system, a first for UO. In this system rares (known
as artifacts) spawn on timers based on rarity levels. Unlike the daily
rares we are used to, these timers can be anywhere from 75 minutes (rarity
1) to 30 days (rarity 10) and even beyond that (rarity 12).
It is rather easy to acquire these items. Just be the
first to find the item and then steal it. If you have only GM stealing
it could take hundreds of tries to steal just one artifact. To be a successful
artifact hunter your should have a minimum of 110 stealing (115 or up is
Not only does an artifact hunter have to deal with competition
from other hunters, but there are many monsters which can spell certain
death. Particularly nasty are the Devourer of Souls and Bone Demons which
can both strike you down in one hit. Also be very weary of Ravengers and
Patchwork Skeletons which can dismount you. Keep an eye out for other dangerous
creatures such as Skeleton Dragons, Rotting Corpses, Lich Lords and their
apprentice Lichs, and many other creatures.
One of the most rewarding and frustrating parts of this
system is the waiting. In a split second one could obtain an item worth
10 million gold. But one could also fail to steal the object and watch
in agony as a competitor swoops in and takes it. The key to minimize this
frustration is to figure out when the artifact your going for will spawn
and minimize the time you spend camping. An easy way to do this is to ask
people when the last spawn was, but be careful for people who will try
and trick you with false information. Here are a few more tips to help
you along your way:
- Obtain stealing jewelry to get in the game early, but
don't forget to keep training up your skill when possible
- Max out your physical resistance so you may survive
a hit from Devourers (but you will may not survive another so get away
- Insure your items right after you obtain them, nothing
worse then losing that saddle after waiting so long for it to spawn (true
- If other hunters are gathered around a spawn location
chances are that item will be spawning soon
- While waiting for an artifact to spawn hide, this will
keep other hunters from becoming suspicious
- If you see some competitors sitting around chatting
don't be afraid to listen in, sometimes you can gather useful information
from them