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UOGuide January Updates
Posted by: JCtheBuilder on
Sunday, February 10, 2008 at 1:39 PM EST.
What an exciting time for UOGuide. The first month of this new year has been a flurry of activity, adding well over 1,000 new pages to the site. Due to in large part by the merger of UOStuff, UOGuide now has well over 3,000 web pages of UO information. Not only did the amount of content explode, but the merger was also fully completed in January.
The Main Page has a brand new look, adding three new features. Two of them are ideas taken from the old UO website. The first is Featured Establishments. Players of houses which serve a public function can submit their building for featuring. It is rotated on a weekly basis and is a great way to advertise a location. To submit an establishment click here. The second feature is the Skill of the Week. Each week one skill will be featured. The third feature is all new, featuring different points of interest in the world of Britannia. This weeks featured location are the Meer Catacombs.
We are also continuing to feature screenshots on the main page. A new method of submission has been setup. Email your screenshots to uoguide@gmail.com. Be sure to include a little caption about what is going on in the picture.
There is so much new content this month it is hard to choose only a few to highlight.- New Player Quests - Almost every skill has a quest in New Haven. These quests are the quickest way to train up to 50.
- Slayer Information - All you could ever know about slayer weapons and their types.
- Quests - The UOStuff merger has added a wealth of detailed quest information. Search for quest information either by area or by NPC.
- Recipes - Almost every recipe has been added with crafting information and item properties.
- Artifacts - Hundreds of artifacts are listed with detailed properties and where they come from.
As always, UOGuide is seeking new people to contribute. While 3,000 pages may seem to cover nearly every possible aspect of UO, nearly another 3,000 are waiting to be created. Absolutely anyone can help build UOGuide, all it takes is a few moments to register an account. In seconds you will have access to edit almost any page or create one on any UO subject you wish to write about. I hope you will come help us out.
http://www.uoguide.com -- JC the Builder
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UOGuide Doom Dungeon & Rubble Info
Posted by: JCtheBuilder on
Monday, December 3, 2007 at 9:16 PM EST.
Greetings all. UOGuide has been chugging along for the past year quitesteadily. Just last week we added our 1,500th page of information. Thatis a lot of data! There are two new sections I think many people willbe interested in.
www.uoguide.com/Doom- With the new artifact changes in the Doom Gauntlet, many people arerushing back for the first time in years. Perhaps some have forgottenwhich slayer goes with which boss. The Doom section on UOGuide has allthe tactics and tips you need.
www.uoguide.com/Rubble- The newest item craze in UO. Players are spending hundreds ofmillions of gold to acquire this stuff. Find out how much of each itemexists and the estimated worth. This section will be updated more inthe coming weeks so keep checking back.
UOGuide is constantly being updated and is looking for new contributors all the time. www.uoguide.com
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